[Fix] No Appropriate Driver to be installed for WiFi on Lenovo G50-70 Laptop

[Fix] No Appropriate Driver to be installed for WiFi on Lenovo G50-70 Laptop
Image Credit: Trouble Fixers
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Even though Microsoft claims that their operating system is capable of installing most drivers of your laptops/notebooks, somehow, they are right to some extent. Yet, a majority of users suffer while upgrading or changing the operating system in their machines. Another issue I came across is many users are not able to get WiFi or Bluetooth working in Windows 7 or Windows 10 when degrading or upgrading from Windows 8 or 8.1. I can agree that many users have their specific requirements, or still, so many users are not happy using Windows 8.1 and wanted to shift back to Windows 7 or Windows 10. And upon downloading appropriate driver, when you try to install any, you’ll get error No Appropriate Driver to be installed.

[Fix] No Appropriate Driver to be installed for WiFi on Lenovo G50-70 Laptop

Usually the reason behind No Appropriate Driver to be installed is when the installer can’t find the specific hardware ID’s to install the necessary drivers. This issue is most common when your laptop has a combo adapter i.e. Intel Wireless + Qualcomm Atheros Bluetooth combo. This combo is ubiquitous in Lenovo G40-70 and G50-70 series laptops. So downloading and installing the appropriate driver should solve the issue for you:

Download Appropriate Driver for Lenovo G50-70 Laptop as per respective Operating System

  Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10 Driver Version
Bluetooth Driver (Atheros, Broadcom, Realtek, Intel)


(32 / 64 bit)

    Atheros_ 8 RTL_1.3.805.3 BCM_6.5.1.5610 Intel_17.0.1405.460
    Download (64Bit) BCM_12.0 .1.720 Q CA335_10.0.1.1 QCA344_345_10.0.0.116 RTL_1.3.865.3 Intel3160_17.1.1524.1353_SHBTW0780_PV
Bluetooth Driver (Intel)   Download (64-bit) 17.1.140 7.474
WLAN Driver (Atheros, Broadcom, Realtek, Intel) Download (32 / 64 bit)     Atheros_ 74 RTL_2012.6.1218.2013 BCM_6.30.223.201 Intel_17.0.3.2
    Download (64 bit) BCM_7.35 .295.2 Q CA335_10.0.0.321 QCA344_345_12.0.0.116 RTL_2023.15.701.2015 Intel_18.11.0.8_AHWFW0886G
WLAN Driver (Intel)   Download (64 bit) BCM_7.35 .295.2 Q CA335_10.0.0.321 QCA344_345_12.0.0.116 RTL_2023.15.701.2015 Intel_18.11.0.8_AHWFW0886G
Lenovo Energy Management Driver for 64-bit Windows   Download (64 bit)   9.0
Lenovo Energy Manager Download (32 / 64 bit)
Intel USB 3.0 Driver Download (32 / 64 bit)

Install all the above-said driver, and your laptop should be good to go for both Windows 7 and Windows 10. I could have listed all drivers, but that is not required, as Windows automatically pick other drivers.

Another thing to be taken care of, if you get the error:

The wireless capability is turned off.

Also read on Trouble Fixers

How to Get Windows 8 Start Screen Back on Windows 10

Windows 10 Will Automatically Disable Pirated Games or Softwares

That means you have switched off the wireless adapter from the hardware side. Hence look out for the WiFi/Bluetooth physical switch and turn it ON. If your laptop doesn’t have any physical switch, then after assuming that you have installed Energy Manager, press F7, it’ll give you the options to turn ON and OFF the wireless and Bluetooth on your laptop.

Lenovo Wireless Device Settings
Lenovo Wireless Device Settings

If your laptop doesn’t have a physical switch, then Go to

  • Start > type network and sharing center > Enter
  • Click Change Adapter Settings
  • Now, right-click on Wi-Fi connection and select Enable.

If you still lack any driver for Lenovo G50-70 laptops, you can ask me in the comments. I’ll provide you with direct links to drivers.

8 thoughts on “[Fix] No Appropriate Driver to be installed for WiFi on Lenovo G50-70 Laptop”

  1. getting this error “Appropriate driver not found”when trying to install mouse drivers.Can you send me the exact link for windows 10,lenovo G-50-70

    • Why do you require drivers for the mouse? A mouse is an auto-play device. If you still require those, check on the official website of mouse manufacturer for the latest driver.

  2. What the fuck is this?? I use windows 7 on lenovo g50-80 i5, I installed wifi drivers last night nd today again it got crashed or what i dont knw but there is no ntwrk showing in connections what the hell……
    Can any body help ?? Or snd me a link here…
    Sorry for bad language but it sucks really

    • This article is of Lenovo G50-70 my dear. Check on Lenovo website for the latest driver. Although I am not sure, if Lenovo would be supporting old OS in their new models of laptop.

  3. the information here was very helpful. Do you complete driver set for the Lenovo B50-70 for win 7?
    I need it to do a clean Win7 install and I’m having difficulty getting the correct drivers.

    thanking you again.

  4. HI!
    my lenovo is not able to run add-detect new hw. Is this same error but like the problem is with the driver installer. Solution Center is not able to install either. 🙁
    any thoughts?



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